Other Time Off
At K-C we understand there are times that you need to be away from work including sickness, the loss of a family member, birth or adoption, fulfilling your civic duty, or serving your country.
Read below to learn more about the other time off benefits K-C offers.
Note: For employees covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), please refer to your CBA for full details on your time off provisions.
K-C provides 40 hours of paid sick leave per calendar year to support your self-care for minor illness, healthcare appointments, or chronic or serious health conditions.* Your sick leave balance may also be used to cover scheduled workdays/shifts that fall within the seven-calendar-day Short-Term Disability (STD) waiting (elimination) period or as defined by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) by contacting Matrix. Sick leave isn’t available in situations not associated with your own mental or physical illness, non-work-related injury, and health care unless otherwise required by law. New hires are eligible for a prorated amount of sick leave based on the month in which you join K-C. Here’s how you use your sick leave benefit: For more information, view the Sick Leave Policy. *Part-time hourly employees (scheduled 20 to 29 hours per week) are not eligible for this benefit.
Sick Leave
K-C offers bereavement leave to support your health and well-being by providing paid time away from work to grieve, make/attend funeral/memorial service arrangements, spend time with family and friends, and make legal arrangements.* The amount of paid time off depends on the relationship of the individual as outlined in the Bereavement Leave Policy. Leave may be taken beginning on/after date of death in a continuous block of time off or intermittently in full workday/shift increments. Other paid time off (e.g., vacation, personal holidays) can be used in conjunction with bereavement leave – discuss your request with your Team Leader. All bereavement leave must be used within 30 days following the date of death. Here’s how you’ll use your bereavement leave benefit: For more information, view the Bereavement Leave Policy. *Part-time hourly employees (scheduled 20 to 29 hours per week) are not eligible for this benefit.
Bereavement Leave
K-C offers eight calendar weeks of paid parental leave to all US employees to support quality bonding time after birth or adoption. Parental leave may be taken either in one continuous block of time (eight calendar weeks) or intermittently, in a minimum of one calendar week increments.
The timing of when parental leave must be taken, depends on the event. If eligible, here’s how you’ll use your parental leave benefit: For more information, view the Becoming a Parent Page or view the Parental Leave Policy.
Parental Leave
K-C provides 80 hours of paid jury duty/testimony leave when you need to be away from work for qualifying legal proceedings. To use jury duty/testimony leave, you’re required to provide documentation to your Team Leader showing your legal obligations.* Here’s how you’ll use your jury duty/testimony leave benefit: For more information, view the Jury Duty/Testimony Leave Policy. *Part-time hourly employees (scheduled 20 to 29 hours per week) are not eligible for this benefit.
Jury Duty/Testimony Leave
Military Leave
We’re proud of and value our K-C employees who serve our country. Our Military Leave Policy is designed to not only provide the job-protection benefits available under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) but also provide financial support through paid leave benefits:
- 100% K-C base pay for new enlistment training, inactive- and annual active-duty training, and post-deployment leave
- Pay differential for active-duty deployment
Here’s how you’ll use your military leave benefit:
- As soon as you learn about upcoming military service that will require you to be away from work, notify your Team Leader so he/she can plan for covering your work while you’re away. The most important information needed is how long you’re expected to be away and any additional time off you may want to take upon your return to work.
- Contact Matrix to help manage your leave including updates to your Workday record and UKG Pro timesheet and calculation of any paid leave benefits you’re eligible to receive.
For more information, view the Military Leave Policy.

Caregiver Leave
K-C cares about caregivers. It’s at the heart of our business and embedded in our company values and culture. And when your loved ones need attention and help, we understand you need time away from work. That’s why K-C provides 40 hours of paid time off to help employees care for a qualifying family member’s serious health condition.*
- Brigette’s spouse John recently had surgery.
- As part of his recovery, John requires extra care and assistance with his every day tasks.
- Brigette contacts Matrix to apply for the new Caregiver Leave.
For more information, view the Caregiver Leave Policy.
*For employees covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), the information on this document may not apply to you.
**Part-time hourly employees (scheduled 20 to 29 hours per week) and full-time hourly paid employees covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement are not eligible for this benefit.

Unpaid Personal Leave
If you need to take time off from work without pay for personal reasons, you must have the request pre-approved by your Team Leader. An unpaid leave can only be requested once all available personal holidays and vacation has been exhausted. You must submit your request in writing and state the reason for the request as well as the start and end date of the leave. A leave of absence won't be granted for the purpose of engaging in employment outside of K-C.
The maximum length of an unpaid leave is 60 calendar days. If your request is approved, submit a copy of the written request, including approvals, to Matrix, K-C’s disability/leave of absence administrator using the Matrix eServices Mobile app (available for iOS and Android) or by using matrixabsence.com. Unpaid personal leave doesn’t provide job protection.
For more information, click here to view the Time Away From Work Policy.